Area of Shaded Region Worksheet rectangles and triangles

To find the area of a rectangle, multiply the length and width of the rectangle together. Calculate the area of the white space within the rectangle. If it also a rectangle, multiply its length and width together. Subtract the area of the white space from the area of the entire rectangle. To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its height by its width. For a square you only need to find the length of one of the sides (as each side is the same length) and then multiply this by itself to find the area.

  1. We can observe that the outer rectangle has a semicircle inside it.
  2. We are given the area and central angle of the sector, so we can find the radius of the sector by using the formula of the area of the sector.
  3. In today’s lesson, we will use the strategy of calculating the area of a large shape and the area of the smaller shapes it encloses to find the area of the shaded region between them.
  4. Usually, we would subtract
    the area of a smaller inner shape from the area of a larger outer shape in order to find the area
    of the shaded region.

The calculation required to determine the area of a segment of a circle is a bit tricky, as you need to have a good grasp of finding the areas of a triangle. The picture in the previous section shows that we have a sector and a triangle. The area of the circle enclosed in a segment or the shaded region inside the segment is known as the area of the segment of a circle. If we draw a chord or a secant line, then the blue area as shown in the figure below, is called the area of the segment.

What Is the Area of the Segment of a Circle?

The given combined shape is combination of a
triangle and incircle. We will learn how to find the Area of the
shaded region of combined figures. We encourage parents and
teachers to select the topics according to the needs of the child. For more difficult
questions, the child may be encouraged to work out the problem on a piece of paper
before entering the solution. We hope that the kids will also love the fun stuff and
puzzles. Then add the area of all 3 rectangles to get the area of the shaded region.

Question 99 Find the area of the shaded region:

So, the ways to find and the calculations required to find the area of the shaded region depend upon the shaded region in the given figure. We can observe that the outer square has a circle inside it. From the figure we can see that the value of the side of the square is equal to the diameter of the given circle. We can observe that the outer rectangle has a semicircle inside it. From the figure we can observe that the diameter of the semicircle and breadth of the rectangle are common. And two quarter-circles with the same radius of 10mm have centers on the opposite vertices.

For finding the area of the figures, we generally use the basic formulas of the area of that particular figure. There is no specific formula to find the area of the shaded region of a figure as the amount of the shaded part may vary from question to question for the same geometric figure. Our area of shaded region calculator helps you to determine the area of a shaded region of a square. It quickly determines the shaded area regardless of its shape and complexity on a coordinate plane. Two circles, with radii 2 and 1 respectively, are externally tangent (that is, they intersect at exactly one point).

The Area of a Circular Shaded Portion of a Circle

Sometimes, you may be required to calculate the area of shaded regions. Usually, we would subtract
the area of a smaller inner shape from the area of a larger outer shape in order to find the area
of the shaded region. If any of the shapes is a composite shape then we would need to subdivide it
into shapes that we have area formulas, like the examples below. Hopefully, forex deposit bonus this guide helped you develop the concept of how to find the area of the shaded region of the circle. As you saw in the section on finding the area of the segment of a circle, multiple geometrical figures presented as a whole is a problem. Find the area of the shaded region by subtracting the area of the small shape from the area of the larger shape.

Calculate the area of the shaded region in the right triangle below. The area of the shaded part can occur in two ways in polygons. So, the area of the shaded or coloured region in a figure is equal to the difference between the area of the entire figure and the area of the part that is not coloured or not shaded.

How do you calculate the area of a shaded region?

So finding the area of the shaded region of the circle is relatively easy. All you have to do is distinguish which portion or region of the circle is shaded and apply the formulas accordingly to determine the area of the shaded region. Find the area of the shaded region in terms of pi for the figure given below. There are three steps to find the area of the shaded region. Subtract the area of the inner region from the outer region.

Also, in an equilateral triangle, the circumcentre T
coincides with the centroid. Then subtract the area of the smaller triangle from the total area of the rectangle. By Developing 100+ online Calculators and Converters for Math Students, Engineers, Scientists and Financial Experts, is one of the best free calculators website. The area of the sector of a circle is basically the area of the arc of a circle. The combination of two radii forms the sector of a circle while the arc is in between these two radii.

The area of the circular shaded region can also be determined if we are only given the diameter of the circle by replacing “$r$” with “$2r$”. We can calculate the area of a shaded circular portion inside a circle by subtracting the area of the bigger/larger circle from the area of the smaller circle. The formula to determine the area of the shaded segment of the circle can be written as radians or degrees. We are given the area and the radius of the sector, so we can find the central angle of the sector by using the formula of the area of the sector. We are given the area and central angle of the sector, so we can find the radius of the sector by using the formula of the area of the sector.

To find the area of the shaded region of a
combined geometrical shape, subtract the area of the smaller geometrical shape
from the area of the larger geometrical shape. To find the area of the shaded region, square the diameter or side length and subtract the product of pi and half the side length squared. The following formula helps you to understand how to find the area of a shaded region. The shaded region can be located at the center of a polygon or the sides of the polygon.

Working of Area of Shaded Region Calculator:

To find the area of the shaded region of a circle, we need to know the type of area that is shaded. Therefore, the Area of the shaded region is equal to 246 cm². Therefore, the Area of the shaded region is equal to 16cm². Calculate the area of the shaded region in the diagram below.

Suppose, that the length of the square is about 45cm, so find the area of the shaded region. In this problem, it is easy to find the area of the two inner circles, since their radii are given. We can also find the area of the outer circle when we realize that its diameter is equal to the sum of the diameters of the two inner circles. But in this case, and in many similar geometry problems where the shape is formed by intersecting curves rather than straight lines, it is very difficult to do so. For such cases, it is often possible to calculate the area of the desired shape by calculating the area of the outer shape, and then subtracting the areas of the inner shapes. We can conclude that calculating the area of the shaded region depends upon the type or part of the circle that is shaded.

Afterwards, we can solve for the radius and central angle of the circle. This guide will provide you with good-quality material that will help you understand the concept of the area of the circle. At the same time, we will discuss in detail how to find the area of the shaded region of the circle using numerical examples.